
  • St. Peter's Church and award winning wood carver, Mark Bair

    Commemorating Philadelphia’s 250 year old landmark, The Historic Pen Company's commissions Award Winning Wood Carver, Mark Bair to give a second life to the St. Peter’s Church, historic Horse Chestnut Tree. 

    St. Peter’s Church in Philadelphia has a rich history tied to Colonial America and in the development of these United States and the Horse Chestnut that was removed in 2011 from the church grounds that witnessed the construction and the subsequent 250 years of Church and American history is living through the heirloom pens that HPC has produced for parishioners, history buffs and locals.

    With only 12 pieces of the St. Peter’s Horse Chestnut left, HPC has commissioned New Jersey based Award Winning Wood Carver: Mark Bair to bring life to these last few pieces of history by recreating the St. Peter’s Church Steeple emerging from the remaining branches.

    Please contact HPC at to acquire one of these custom made heirloom works of art and visit Mark online at:

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